Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Wasma’a Chorbachi

Faculty» Past Faculty

(Visiting Faculty Fall 2006)

Fall 2006 course

4.627/4.628 Special Problems in Islamic Nonwestern Architecture: Arabesque and Islamic Geometric Pattern Design
A multifaceted approach will be taken in the study of the Arabesques and Islamic Geometric design ~ ornament. The course will include an academic study of the historical and intellectual tradition of Islamic design, a hands-on design exercises in creative design creation and an analytical survey of Islamic architectural decoration and ornament. The goal is to give the students a more sophisticated and scientific understanding of the design principles of Islamic ornament.  
The academic segment will involve the lectures covering: an introduction to the history of Islamic design science, as documented through manuscripts, emphasizing specific design examples and the use of algorithm; research materials which illustrate the sharing of scientific design knowledge between geographic regions of the Islamic world and leading to an understanding of cultural interaction in Islamic civilization; and a brief survey of the significant literature in the historiography of Islamic design from the early nineteenth century to the present. In conjunction with these lectures, the students will be assigned brief book reports to be orally presented.

In the hands on segment of the course, the students receive instruction in design science principles of symmetry pattern groups and string groups. The goal will be for students; to learn a common language in which to communicate about Islamic ornament and geometric design; to use this language in the analysis of patterns and in recognizing the point group category of the design; and to be able to generate new creative designs. Students will be expected to carry on weekly design exercise assignments and have by the end of the semester a complete portfolio of all the symmetry group patterns. A participatory analytical approach will be taken in the survey of the use of Islamic architectural decoration and ornament on objects in which the symmetry language learnt would be used. Specific monuments will be assigned for this analysis. Final presentations of projects will be required of each student.
This class is a prerequisite for the Level 3 spring studio to be taught by Mark Goulthorpe and Arindam Dutta.